Help paying for housing

Extra financial support is available for people who have experienced domestic abuse and need help paying for their housing.

Housing benefit

Housing benefit will help you cover your temporary accommodation (such as a refuge or sheltered and supported housing) and other housing costs if you’ve left home because of domestic abuse.

This benefit is usually available for up to a year. It's being replaced by Universal Credit, but you can currently still apply for it if you're in supported, sheltered or temporary housing.

Universal Credit

If you can’t claim housing benefit, you may be able to get Universal Credit to help pay for your housing and living costs.

Discretionary housing payments

If you are claiming housing benefit or Universal Credit for your accommodation, you may also be able to get a discretionary housing payment from your local council.

This is an extra payment if you need further financial support for your housing.

Help with rental deposits and advances

Most landlords ask for a deposit and an advance rental payment up front.

Your local council may run rent deposit schemes which loan you the money in advance, or rent guarantee schemes that cover the deposit if there’s a problem.

Help with mortgage payments

If you’re already claiming benefits, you may able to get help with the interest on your mortgage payments.

This is called support for mortgage interest (SMI). It’s not so much a benefit as a type of loan that you have to pay back with interest when you sell or pass on your home.

As with all types of loans, it’s best to get advice before taking on further debt.

You can also get help from your mortgage provider, which may have special support for vulnerable customers, including those who have experienced domestic abuse. They may be able to change your payment terms to help.


You may be able to grant from charities and other organisations who are offering help to people having money problems.

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