I'm in danger now

If you or your family are in danger right now, you need emergency help. All the phone numbers here are free to call.

Contact the police

Call 999

Text 999

Textphone 0800 112 999

The police should come and protect you if you’re in immediate danger. This includes violence, threat of violence, any danger to life, or if a crime is happening.

Not safe to talk?

If it’s not safe to talk, you should still call 999.

Mobile phones – call 999 then 55

Your call will go to the police who will try to get information from you by using simple yes and no questions. If you can’t speak, they’ll give instructions and try to get you help another way.

Landlines – call 999 and say nothing

If the operator thinks you’re in trouble, your call will go to the police who will be able to trace your number and get you help.

Go somewhere safe

Get away from danger if you can.

Call the Freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

If you have nowhere safe to stay, the helpline can help you (and your children) find a refuge. Their advisers can also offer emergency legal, housing, welfare, crisis and other expert support.

If you can’t leave home, get to a room where you can lock or block the door, and contact the police, a trusted friend, neighbour or relative for help.

Men can get specialist help by calling freephone Respect Men's Advice Line on 0808 8010 327.

There are many other organisations that can help too.

Can't find what you're looking for? Just ask us.

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