Help someone affected by domestic abuse

Thank you for being there for someone who is experiencing domestic abuse.

We want to help you help them.

To get you the right support, please tell us how you know the person.

I know them personally

You’ve seen signs of domestic abuse in someone you know – perhaps a friend, relative, neighbour or work colleague – and you want to help.

If it’s an emergency or they’re in immediate danger, you should call the police on 999.

However much you want to protect them, it’s usually safest not to intervene directly. That could be dangerous for both of you.

But you can help in other important ways. You can be there for them, as someone who:

  • they can talk to
  • won’t judge them
  • won’t blame them
  • believes them
  • they can trust

You can also tell them about SupportNav and the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247, which offers expert confidential advice to help them make the right decisions.

Please also see the useful organisations listed on Talk to someone.

I'm a professional working with survivors

We can help you support people experiencing domestic abuse, from explaining their options to getting expert legal advice or starting court proceedings.

Please contact our legal team at RCJ Advice for more information.

Not found what you're looking for? Just ask us.

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